Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Who is He to you?

Saw this meme the other day...and it's funny...but then again...it's not...

It's funny because it "gets ya"! You are expecting that "He" is God so it's got a surprise ending with it being helium. (In case you don't know..."He" is the official abbreviation for helium)

But, the thing about this that's "not funny" is that this really represents a choice we all make...who do you believe "He" is?

One thing that happens with the Theory of Evolution is that it basically forces you to elevate the elements to "godhood". In the Theory of Evolution you go back thru time with something being caused by something...being caused by something...being caused by something...

But, no matter how many millions of years are part of the theory...you can't do it forever. You can't go back in time indefinitely with something causing something then being caused by something else...

Ultimately...something has to be the 1st cause of all things. And that cause would have to be "uncaused".
So, what do you believe that was?

Do you believe that the cause of all things...that led to all this beauty, order, and life on earth...an uncaused self-existent eternal buncha' elements from the periodic table? 

Or, do you believe that the cause of all things...that led to all this beauty, order, and life on earth...an uncaused self-existent eternal personal being? 

Who is "He" to you?

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