Think about the times you've truly been IN LOVE.
When in love…do you want to…disrespect that person? Do you want to hurt that person? Do you want to "rebel" against that person? NO! When you're "in love" you just want to do everything pleasing for that person. You delight in their presence. You want them to be happy with life and with you and everything you do!
To get you to be "in love" with them…what did they do?
Hit you?
Hurt you?
Scold you?
Scowled at you?
Grumbled and complained about you?
Manipulated you?
Deprived you of things?
Ignored you?
Isolated you?
Spent time with you on a schedule?
Let you know THEY were boss?
Purposely denied you things you requested so that you'd never doubt they were in charge?
To make you fall in love…they…
Put you first in everything…
Did stuff they didn't want to do sometimes just cause you did...
Were available any time you'd call...
Gave you gifts just to see you smile…
Spent time with you…
Deprived themselves of things to spend time with you...
Shared their heart with you…
Accepted you no matter how you were or how you looked…
Encouraged you…
Forgave you when you wronged them...
Forgave you when you wronged them...
Christian parents think that…the first list of things is how to make our kids "fall in love with Jesus."
I don't know why they think that. And, it frustrates and saddens me.
(I believe the thing that women needed "liberated" from back when Women's Lib started was we had men who were treating us the same way they were raise up by their parents...when women were the ones on the receiving end of that kind of treatment we could see how offensive and horrid it is to treat people who are smaller and weaker than you with that much disrespect...Unfortunately, rather than identify this behavior in men as something instilled in them by how parents trained them up and for women to change the way they parented their kids to fix the problem, they instead thought that it would help to go to work. I guess they had the same reaction that most kids who "can't wait to get out of the house" do...sad...)
(I believe the thing that women needed "liberated" from back when Women's Lib started was we had men who were treating us the same way they were raise up by their parents...when women were the ones on the receiving end of that kind of treatment we could see how offensive and horrid it is to treat people who are smaller and weaker than you with that much disrespect...Unfortunately, rather than identify this behavior in men as something instilled in them by how parents trained them up and for women to change the way they parented their kids to fix the problem, they instead thought that it would help to go to work. I guess they had the same reaction that most kids who "can't wait to get out of the house" do...sad...)